
Sunday, February 20, 2011

I Can

Our words matter.  Our spoken words, felt with our deep emotion, can act as a decree (words spoken with emotion).  The next time you are with your friends, count the number of times they may use words that are not empowering.  You might be surprised how many times you may hear decrees such as “I am not”, “I can not”, and “I do not want to be”.  We most likely repeat these similar patterns in our dialogues as well.  It is just a bit easier to see the patterns in others!

Think about all the creative people who have made life changing inventions.  Do you think they were empowered by words such as “I can’t” or “I do not know how”?  Can you imagine what words they used in their dialogues?

In the context of Tending to Your Garden Within, it is important to know what kind of seeds (words) we plant in our garden and nurture them through our emotions.  The poem below describes this concept further.

I Can

I pay attention to my inner and outer words
as they echo in my head.

I can’t.
I don’t want.
I can’t have.
I am not.
I do not feel.
I do not know how.

I feel the energy of my words.

These words are void of creative and empowering energy.

What if my words had a magical power
to manifest themselves in my reality?

What if my guides/angels are waiting to make my
wishes come true?

Do I know how many times I repeat these non-creative words daily?

What is my desired outcome of the reality that I am creating?

Is it my heart’s desire?

Is it my highest possible choice?

Copyright @ 2010 by Shervin Hojat

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